Thursday, March 12, 2015

The next phase

The next phase for enticing birds to my yard: food and water!

I put some black oil sunflower seeds in the feeder and spread some seeds along the deck rail next to the bird bath. I read that birds will see the scattered seeds and then find the feeder. My plan is to have the feeders either on the deck or nearby so this was a good place to start.

The chickadees were the first to find it, after only one day. Today I identified the pine siskin at the feeder, and it was exciting for me since I don't think I've ever seen them in my yard before except for the other day when a pair of them were pulling at a piece of fuzz in our front bushes. They must be building nests!

I've also noticed the suet feeder with nesting materials has been picked at a little bit, too.

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