Saturday, October 22, 2011

Taking Flight

As I returned home from a shopping trip I had to wait for this group of geese to move along. 
Look at those wingspans and the white tail feathers. 

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Carefully Observing

I was out in the yard taking photos of the leaves and saw a few juncos observing me very carefully.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

The Goose Wedge

While watching a group of about seven geese practice their wedge formation, I just had to laugh. The first pass they did over the house was in a V, but one lost goose tailed them, flying back and forth between the two arms of the V, unsure of where he belonged. As they passed by again they were even worse off by forming two rows, one in front of the other like an equal sign.

This is not a photo of that group, but it looks like they are trying the equal sign too.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

The (non-thieving) Magpie

I've heard the overture to the opera The Thieving Magpie many times on the radio and I confess it's the only thing I know about the bird. I wasn't even sure what one looked like until my friend pointed it out while at Rocky Mountain National Park.

There was nothing criminal about this magpie.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

A different brand of blue jay

In Rocky Mountain National Park, the color palette is very brown, tan, grey and green, with splashes of gold in autumn as the aspens change. So when bright blue darts across your path, it catches your eye.

Introducing, the Steller's Jay. Majestic blue coat with a black crested head.